An Emperor of Evil

Wikimedia Every now and then I like to find myself an arch nemesis, to keep the spark alive. It’s usually just me and my cats and god knows any crazy old cat lady needs a good healthy dose of paranoia and someone to point the finger at and go “it was you!” in a shaky…

Rocket Cats are Go!

According to an article by National Geographic, these recently digitalised 16th Century German manuscripts show how “cats and birds could in theory be used to set fire to a besieged city, according to a University of Pennsylvania scholar.” Key word “in theory”. Apart from not loving the idea of setting fire to any animal,  this…

I’m a Technophobe and You’re a Techzombie

I’m 27 years old, and a technophobe.  Not in an Amish way, or even in a way that an old man might have been back in the day where only birds could fly. It’s more of a general do-we-really-have-to-look-like-zombies kind of way. I have the bare minimum:  a laptop and internet and that’s it. Seriously,…