Good Doctor Sham

As though we’re 79 and not 29, a friend and I were recently discussing how hard it is to find a good doctor.  By good doctor I mean one that is caring and professional, who takes the time to listen and understand. Not the doctors that you usually get who are rude, impatient and unfriendly,…

On Probing and Other Matters

I like a good probing.  There.  I said it.  What I don’t like?  Tooth extractions. I had my wisdom tooth out yesterday and I was completely unprepared for it.  It was my first extraction and I didn’t realise just how unpleasant it would be, even with enough numbing cream to incapacitate an elephant. First of…


This chubby orange-utan is Ginger, the food whore who goes from house to house eating all the food he can.  I don’t know who owns him, I don’t know where he came from except that he suddenly appeared one day and he likes being airlifted to his food.  He’s un-desexed and he has the fluffiest,…

An Emperor of Evil

Wikimedia Every now and then I like to find myself an arch nemesis, to keep the spark alive. It’s usually just me and my cats and god knows any crazy old cat lady needs a good healthy dose of paranoia and someone to point the finger at and go “it was you!” in a shaky…

Lonely Widow Seeks Con Artist

I was excited to have one of my first spam emails in my inbox today. I’m going to be a millionaire! —–Original Message—– From: Richard Duke Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 3:08 AM Subject: MY PARTNERSHIP REQUEST BARRISTER RICHARD DUKE (Esq.) TELEPHONE: +44-708-7694-328 Dear my worthy fellow, I am Mr. Richard Duke, a Legal practitioner…