To Whom It May Concern

Warning:  This might be a soppy, sentimental post.  If your gag reflexes are quick to work, then I suggest going somewhere else.  Go to youtube, block all the cat videos and watch people doing brave, stupid stuff… things that I can’t think of at the moment.  I’m sick, on antibiotics and feeling sappy. Bernd Schwabe…

Lonely Widow Seeks Con Artist

I was excited to have one of my first spam emails in my inbox today. I’m going to be a millionaire! —–Original Message—– From: Richard Duke Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 3:08 AM Subject: MY PARTNERSHIP REQUEST BARRISTER RICHARD DUKE (Esq.) TELEPHONE: +44-708-7694-328 Dear my worthy fellow, I am Mr. Richard Duke, a Legal practitioner…

Yo Mama

This is the story of a unicorn with many names. It’s the story of a unicorn who can change sex at the blink of an eye, or be both male and female at the same time. This magical, mighty unicorn, its fur so soft and white, its pretty hooves with hoof fluff is platinum, its…